Updated Youtube Comment System, powered by Google+

Time to Read: 1m 40s

Last Fall when YouTube announced they were updating their comment system with the new YouTube One Channel upgrade, people like myself who manage YouTube Channels for brands or companies wanted to sing from the hilltops. If you've spent anytime on YouTube since it's inception in 2005, you'll know that YouTube comments aren't exactly the hotbed for intelligent conversation and that the messy interface was well overdue for a makeover. YouTube-Google-Plus Once more detail regarding the comment system was released and updates starting rolling out, there was an outcry from users because the comment system is built into the Google identity platform, thus making it necessary to connect to a Google+ profile to comment and making the anonymous comments of the past no more. What if you don't want to enable the ability for users to engage on your YouTube Channel? Although I don't recommend this, the ability to comment can be disabled via the Discussion tab. What if you don't want to have a Google+ profile in order to comment on a YouTube Channel? Sorry, you're out of luck. My blog post detailing the love/hate affair I have with Google products taking over the world will have to wait for another day. So, beyond the most obvious, what other features are new?
  • Integrated comment moderation makes it simple to remove, ban, report or mute.
  • Top comments appear first based on users in your Google+ circles, or users or brands that have more authority. Additionally, comments with more responses or likes will rank higher. To view the most recent comments first, select "Newest First."
  • Comments from Google+ posts from linked channel videos can also appear on a YouTube Channel denoted with a "via Google+."
Are you interested in the other features that the new YouTube One Channel update has to offer? Be sure to check out my previous post, New YouTube One Channel Features. Need help setting up your brand or company's YouTube Channel? Get in touch with us!