3 Free Tools To Improve Your Marketing Efforts

Time to Read: 1m 51s

Free tools can help you save money while improving your marketing. Free tools can help you save money while improving your marketing.[/caption] You can find anything on the Internet, including tools that help you be better at your job. Unfortunately, many of these tools are expensive, and businesses that can't or won't pay for them miss out on the benefits. However, for every tool that you have to pay for, there's a free version out there somewhere. Here are three free tools that we use at Ecreative every day:

1. Subject Line Testers: People don't open emails if they can't get past the subject line. A subject line that's too long, lacks a sense of urgency or is just plain boring won't spur anyone to click. Before you send your next marketing email, paste your subject line into a subject line tester and tweak it until the tool gives you a good score. There are numerous free subject line testers available. At Ecreative, we use subjectline.com to test ours.
2. Hemingway App: Your marketing copy won't be effective if it's bad. If your writing is confusing, full of jargon or riddled with grammatical errors, people will think you're unprofessional and shop elsewhere. Moreover, passive voice, which is all too common on industrial websites, is cold, boring and dry. The Hemingway App detects things like passive voice, grammatical errors, run-on sentences and other common mistakes that can weaken your writing. Use the subject line tester to make customers want to open your email, and the Hemingway App to make them happy they did.
3. Free Image Galleries: If you look at our blog posts, you'll notice small photo credits at the bottom. That's because we get our images from foter.com, a website that allows us to download images for free. Adding images to blog posts helps to attract traffic, but images can be expensive. Repeat after me: there's no shame in using free images. Just be sure to give credit where credit is due. Additionally, remember to optimize your images. Running a business is hard. Do whatever you can to make it easier. Need more help with subject lines, writing content or adding images to your site? Give Ecreative a call today. Photo credit: SEOPlanter / Foter / CC BY