5 Must-Haves for Industrial Sites

Time to Read: 1m 41s

[caption id="attachment_3764" align="aligncenter" width="300"]A website is like a meatloaf: without all the right ingredients, it just won't come out right! A website is like a meatloaf: without all the right ingredients, it just won't come out right![/caption] What does your website need besides a sitemap, a color scheme and a few pictures? There are several features that can take industrial websites to the next level. In fact, there are some features aren't just nice to have on a site -- some are absolutely essential. 1. Career Module: Most of our clients only accept job applications online. A career module makes it easy to manage job postings and applicant data. It also makes it easier for candidates to submit their applications. 2. RFQ/Contact Us: Your customers need an easy way to contact you! Make sure your site has a Contact Us for RFQ form that makes it a snap for customers to get the information they need from you. 3. Cystal-clear images: Images can make or break a site. Images that are small and grainy make your site look outdated. Images that are too big take too long to load, and frustrate users. Quality images that are the right size are a must-have for any site. 900 pixels wide is the maximum and is the right size for carousel images. However most of your images should be 250 - 300 pixels wide. 4. Top-flight content: You might think that most people will never read the copy on your site -- and you might be right. Industrial buyers often know what they need before they buy and don't need to be 'sold' to via text. However, sites with well-optimized text perform better in searches. And the text better be good; if someone does read it, you want them to get a good impression of your company. 5. Applications: CAD and 3D models, distributor locators, configurators, mobile applications -- these are all things that can help you provide a more robust user experience for your potential customers. Ready to add one -- or all -- of these to your site? Contact Ecreative today. Photo credit: naotakem / Foter / CC BY