Engineers: The Next Generation

Time to Read: 2m 30s

[caption id="attachment_3281" align="aligncenter" width="300"]millennial generation engineers Does your website have what younger engineers expect to see? Photo credit: Phil Roeder / Foter / CC BY[/caption] If you've noticed a change in the way younger engineers (read: Millennials) search for and purchase the parts they need, know that you're not dreaming. There are several key differences between the way older engineers use your website and the way the younger ones do. And because you now have the opportunity to initiate and cultivate what could be a multi-decade relationship with young engineers, you really do need to make sure your website meets their expectations and caters to their search habits.

Search Boxes

Older engineers will find the products they need on your site by using the navigation -- so long as it makes sense to them. Younger engineers, on the other hand, are far more likely to find what they need on your site by searching. That is, of course, if your site has a functional search box. If it doesn't, Millennial engineers might just leave your site for one that allows them to use a search box to find the products they are looking for.

CAD Drawings

For decades, engineers have called your office when they needed CAD drawings for a part. The engineers who are entering the field today don't want to pick up a phone. They want to be able to view CAD drawings on your site. Win over the next generation by integrating CAD drawings and 3D part models into your site. (This can be a tricky task to execute well, but our developers have done it for several Ecreative clients. Find more information about CAD model integration here.)

Responsive Design

The media is fascinated with the Millennial generation. A lot of what commentators have to say about younger people is exaggerated and untrue, but one thing that they do get right is this: Millennials do take their phones every where they go. It is important, then, if you want to reach Millennial engineers, to ensure that your website works on mobile phones and tablets as well as desktops and laptops.


It's unlikely that you would lose the attention of young engineers by not having a blog. However, a blog is a great way to answer questions, and younger people are more likely to find answers to their questions by searching on Google. A well-written, informative blog can go a long way toward establishing trust between your company and the latest crop of engineers. Today's new engineers are tomorrow's decision makers. Make sure you establish relationships with them now by meeting their expectations. The Ecreative team includes many Millennials who possess a strong understanding of the way your younger customers use the Internet. We can help you bring your site in line with the next generation.