Google Ads Editor Custom Rules

Time to Read: 2m 42s

Custom Rules To Live By

When it comes to Google (errr, I mean... everything,) it's always best to follow the rules. And in the case of Google Ads, you should look no further than the Custom Rules built-in to the newly-improved and impressive Google Ads Editor.

Google AWE Haters Are Gonna Hate

Since its inception, Google Ads Editor, or AWE as the paid search community has tagged it, has been met with mixed reviews and opinions. For a prime example of a naysayer, see Larry Kim's (CEO of MobileMonkey, Founder of WordStream) bold and wrong prediction back in early-2018. Ha! SMH. Google has totally knocked it out of the park with its latest version of the desktop editor. As mentioned in the opening, Custom Rules are notifications of violations of Google's best practices. Promptly addressing them will only benefit you as an advertiser. Will your ads still show if you choose to ignore or dismiss these notifications? Well, sure. In most cases. But if the all-knowing source-at-hand is coaching you along and telling you outright what they are looking for, then just pander to it already!

Built-In RulesUse, Customize, Hide or Create Your Own

There are ~27 built-in custom rules in the latest Google Ads Editor 1.0. Please note, however, that you are free to customize or disable any of them. The rules range from the number of ad descriptions, too few sitelink extensions, too few callout extensions, number of ad groups/ads/structured snippet extensions or search audiences to targeting, tracking, delivery, rotation and bidding. For a complete list and explanations of each rule, head on over to this Google Ads Editor Help page. One can't fully appreciate and understand the reinvigorated Google Ads Editor and, more specifically, these in-account audit items until you actually dig in and start attacking the ensuing to-do lists. I love, love, love (too much?) the ability to filter the severity level, rule name, level (ad group or number of violations) in order to get down to what may pertain the most to your particular account. Couple that with the ability to make changes across groups of accounts/clients, campaigns, ad groups or audiences.

Meme "pwer! Infinite Power!


Final Thoughts & Words of Advice

I'm going to wrap this up before I go down a rabbit hole. Also, I promise to do a future, higher level and encompassing review of all of the features, capabilities and greatness that is the Google Ads Editor. There may even be a version 1.1 at that point in time. If you're reading this, kudos to you for caring so much about your own Google Ads account/s! But also, I recommend downloading Google Ads Editor to your desktop if you haven't already, opening it up and exploring it on your own. As a paid search professional of nearly a decade, I can say that there is always plenty more to add to your arsenal and increase efficiency. And the out-of-the-box Custom Rules within Google Ads Editor accomplish that and then some. For more paid search insight, to have an audit performed on your Pay-Per-Click account or if you have questions about custom rules, Google Ads, the Google Ads Editor or anything Paid Search related, do not hesitate to contact Ecreative any time. Written by Nick Meyer, Paid Search Specialist at Ecreative