How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Digital Marketing

Time to Read: 2m 44s

When most of us hear the words “artificial intelligence,” we think of robots in old science fiction movies or something out of a futuristic video game. AI, however, is a broad category comprised of different technologies that are already becoming more integral in our digital world. In the digital marketing space, artificial intelligence is having a tremendous impact. From user experience to website optimization, AI is changing popular marketing methods.

Artificial Intelligence is an Umbrella Term for a Variety of Technologies

Artificial intelligence is an over-arching phrase for any technology that is designed to respond the way a human would. We encounter many of these in our everyday lives. They include:
  • virtual assistants like Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa
  • customer service chat boxes
  • Pandora, Spotify, Youtube, and social media newsfeeds
  • Ridesharing apps like Uber and Lyft
  • Personal banking

Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve Digital Marketing Strategies

Not only is AI being used for everyday tasks, but professional marketers are also utilizing the new technology to better reach audiences. In almost all facets of digital marketing, artificial intelligence is finding use, but the main ways it is changing digital marketing is with:

1.     Machine Learning

Machine learning describes the way a computer continuously learns and improves from the information it is given. When a user asks Google a question, it utilizes machine learning to provide the best answers in new formats that make the information easier to consume. Digital Marketers utilize features like featured snippets to gain more traffic. Google uses machine learning to scan millions of pages to return the answer it thinks best fits the question being asked. If a page is optimized to provide Google with better, more relevant information, the search engine will learn that that specific page is what it should be recommending.

2.     Voice Search

More than 20 percent of all Google searches are now conducted by voice through virtual assistance like Alexa, Google Home, and Siri. This means that digital marketers need to be optimizing their pages, not just for text-based search engines, but for voice search as well. This affects SEO strategy because of a voice search’s emphasis on conversational language, long-tail questions, and featured snippets. It is more important than ever for website content to be informational and authoritative.

3.     User Experience

One of the biggest impacts that AI is having is on user experience. Websites are able to be more personalized than ever, tailoring content and offers specifically to an individual based on factors like location, demographics, or previous page interaction. In addition, the use of chatbots is exploding. No longer does a potential customer need to worry about store hours to have their questions answered. Instead, an instant messaging style box will pop up when a user visits a page, allowing them to ask their question to an AI-powered bot. The bot will search its vast amounts of data to give you the best answer. One thing is for sure, Artificial Intelligence is here to stay and will only be improving in the years to come. If you’re unsure of how to navigate this new world of futuristic technology, we are here to help. Ecreative can work with you to optimize your website for search engines and make them as user-friendly as possible. Contact us today to learn more.