What Your “About Us” Page Says About You

Time to Read: 1m 45s

In talking to clients about the copy I’m writing for their websites, the About Us page is often one of the most difficult for them to discuss. It seems like it should be simple, because, well, it’s called “About Us”—all you really have to do is talk about your business. However, your website’s About Us page can (and should) be a lot more than just a recounting of company history. Simply put, it’s the perfect place to talk up your company and tell everyone just how great you are at what you do.

Examples? Examples.


Cincinnati test Systems

Cincinnati Test Systems (CTS) does a bang up job with their About Us page (here called “Company Info”). As designers and manufacturers of industrial leak detection equipment, they prioritize their expertise right off the bat with a nice, big title that proclaims them to be “Experts in Leak Detection.” They also talk about the various types of equipment they offer and the features and capabilities of that equipment make it worth the customer’s dollar. CTS are true experts in their field, and, understandably, aren’t shy about saying so.

DECC Company The DECC Company also makes excellent use of their About Us page. They work in a good bit of information on their company’s history, then provide a compelling quote that spells out their business philosophy: “Our vision is to be the most sought after coating applicator in North America.” Following this is additional information that explains how they’re doing just that—they talk process improvement, expansion, etc. DECC is talking the talk and walking the walk.

Ecreative Finally, Ecreative. This is the single greatest About Us page in the history of the internet. While that might be a slight exaggeration, the page is used to great effect, if I say so myself. Here, we focus on our own specialties, as well as the specialized nature of our customers and the sometimes-niche markets they work in. We hit all the important points of what makes our business what it is, and how we can help others—including you!

Need help turning your About Us page into a masterpiece like the above examples? Contact Ecreative today to get started!