Why You Should Write Your Own Product Descriptions
Time to Read: 2m 40s
[caption id="attachment_3378" align="aligncenter" width="220"] Photo credit: jbcurio / Foter / CC BY[/caption] Many distributors face this dilemma: whether to write their own product descriptions or to use the manufacturer's original descriptions. While using the manufacturer's descriptions may save you time, there are several compelling reasons to write your own:
- Google penalties: The Panda updates to the Google algorithm penalize sites that use content that already exists on other sites, and that includes product descriptions. If you take descriptions that are already on the manufacturer's site and put them on your own, there's a good change that you'll get slammed by the almighty Panda.
- Better content: Writing your own product descriptions gives you the opportunity to add value to them. People buy from your company because they trust you. By writing product descriptions in your brand's unique tone and voice, you can tell your audience why they should buy the product in a way that connects with them. The first rule of content marketing is 'know your audience'; use your product descriptions to show just how well you know it!
- Optimization: The manufacturer's descriptions may not be optimized for search engines. Writing your own lets you add the keywords and keyword phrases that will bring potential buyers to your site.