
Discussion of how data-driven insights can help create actionable results for digital marketing programs. Understanding site metrics is vital for any business looking to grow their online marketing and digital presence.
Google Search Console is an excellent and insightful tool for search engine optimization. There are many tools and metrics within Google Search Console that provide detailed insights that help with the optimization of your website.
Make your call to action buttons engaging and concise to increase sales and your conversion rate.
Your homepage is the face of your cart site. Does your ecommerce site’s homepage deliver the right information to potential customers?
A solid site structure is crucial for user experience and makes it easier for search engines to crawl your website.
A well-designed navigation is essential for users to be able to find what you want them to as quickly an efficiently as possible. Read more on the importance of a clear website navigation for UX and SEO.
Images are a major component in optimizing your website because they have a large impact on site speed and overall performance.