How Panda 4.0 Impacts Industrial Businesses

Time to Read: 2m 15s

[caption id="attachment_2895" align="aligncenter" width="358"]Baby panda The new Panda has arrived.[/caption] On May 20th, 2014, Google announced the release of the Panda 4.0 update, causing a flurry of questions and speculations to erupt in the world of internet marketing. While it's still a little too early to know exactly how the changes will impact industrial websites, we have a few suggestions that will help you stay ahead of the curve.

What We Know about Panda 4.0 and Penguin 2.0

Google Panda aims to ensure that sites with high-quality, original content rank better than sites or pages with low-quality or plagiarized content. While we have yet to learn what the full impact of Google Panda 4.0 will be, it has been suggested that Panda 4.0 is a kinder, gentler bear, especially where small businesses are concerned. Penguin 2.0, on the other hand, is the enemy of low-quality backlinks. Sites that engage in spammy link building practices are likely to slip in the rankings when Penguin 2.0 catches up with them. Some examples of link practices that will anger Penguin 2.0 include:
  • Using several fake Twitter accounts to send out tweets containing links to the site
  • Submitting articles or press releases to disreputable article syndication sites
  • Paying to have links listed on random directory sites

How Panda 4.0 and Penguin 2.0 Impact Industrial Businesses

For industrial businesses, the last bullet in the list above is the one that is most likely cause problems. There are scads of random directory sites floating around out there, and it is not uncommon for industrial businesses to list their sites in these directories. If your site is listed in a directory -- or several directories -- know that you may need to remove and disavow these links in order to prevent your site from taking a hit.

What You Can Do Right Now

Removing bad backlinks can be an overwhelming task, especially if you have purchased an SEO package from another SEO group and have no idea where these backlinks are coming from. At Ecreative, we know how to identify destructive backlinks and can help you follow Google's recommended procedure of removing and disavowing links. In addition, we can ensure that your site is chock-full of Panda-pleasing original content. We stay on top of Google's changes so you don't have to. If you have questions or concerns about the Panda 4.0 update or Penguin 2.0, contact us to speak with our seasoned SEO experts. Photo credit: fortherock / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)