Facebook Posts: To Boost or Not to Boost?

Time to Read: 3m 0s

[caption id="attachment_2911" align="aligncenter" width="240"]Facebook Like Boosting posts can help you get more likes on Facebook, but the ad interface can help you get more likes from the right people.[/caption]

A Debate

If you manage your company's social media, you are probably familiar with the blue ""Boost Post" buttons that appear on all of your Facebook posts. Whether you have never used it before, or have used it and are questioning the value of boosting posts, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of gnashing that little blue button. You may have already noticed that there are many articles floating around in cyberspace that warn against the pitfalls of the boost button. As with any form of advertising, the boost button has its limitations. However, rather than tell you to eschew it altogether, I will lay out the arguments for both sides, so that you can make the choice that fits your schedule, your budget and your business needs.

Should I boost my Facebook posts: yes

  • It's easy. If you use the Facebook Pages app for smartphones, it's very easy to promote a post using the "boost" button while you are on the go. Say your boss pings you and says she wants more activity on a certain Facebook post. You happen to be standing in line at a security checkpoint at LAX. Hit "boost", toss your phone into one of those plastic bins and go through the metal detector. By the time you get to the gate, the post should be gaining attention, and you can have peace of mind when you shut off your phone as you board the plane.
  • It's fast. See above.
  • It works. My best Facebook posts get about 15 organic "likes" at most, with an average of 100 - 200 views. Boosting a post can double the likes you get and garner 10K views or more. Using the "boost" button probably doesn't work as well as the more targeted options, but it does work.
  • It's a good first step. If you haven't yet advertised on Facebook or are overwhelmed by the more complex tools for Facebook advertising, the "boost" button is a good way to dip your toe in the water.

Should I boost my Facebook posts: no

  • It's limited. You can't target your ads when you use the "boost" button. Want more women to follow your page? Need college students to see your post? You can't rely on boost for that -- you will have to use the Facebook ad interface for that.
  • It's broad. Boosted posts target "fans and friends of fans," who might not necessarily be the people you want to reach.
  • It doesn't let you get the most out of your money. Targeting posts is the best way to get the most out of the money that you pay to promote Facebook content. Without the ability to target, you don't get the same value.
Ultimately, the decision to boost or not is like any other business decision and comes down to priorities. If saving time is the most important thing to you, boosting a post is a good option. If you want to get as much as you possibly can out of Facebook advertising, your time will be better spent learning how to use Facebook ad interface to create targeted ads, rather than using the quick-and-easy boost button. Photo credit: birgerking / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)